Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Going Solo and the Art of Doing Something

This past Sunday, I managed to complete one of my Twelve by 2012 items. (Yay!) I went to the movies solo for the very first time. It wasn't planned - I had left the house fully committed to going to Barnes & Noble but then I remembered the gift card I had spotted in my wallet the night before and thought, "Why not?"

I ended up seeing, How Do You Know with Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd. (I give it a B-) I wish I could say it was fun to go it alone but several times I found myself feeling restless and wishing LH was there with me but at least I can say I did it, right? One item on the list down, only eleven more to go!

For the past couple of days, I had been feeling some pain in my right ear and then on Sunday night I didn't sleep a wink. Every time I got settled in, the pain would set in. I haven't had an ear ache like this in years - the kind that doesn't allow you to sleep and prevents you from watching television or listening to music.

The house was quiet. Sunny and Quincy were napping, as usual and I managed to lay in bed for a few hours after calling in sick but then I got restless - as I usually do when I'm attempting to do nothing. So I got up and out of bed, determined to do something.

So crazy me spent the better part of yesterday tackling a project I had been wanting to finish forever: cleaning out and spiffing up my home office. Better known as my spot to sometimes write, wrap, create and work from home.

I went through every drawer, shelf and nook filing things away and eliminating one potential piece of clutter at a time. The best part was after finishing a drawer and determining it's permanent contents, I got to use my brand-new, handy-dandy label maker to identify its contents. (Thanks AA!)  It came out rather nice, I must say but I'm sure the real trick will be to keep it that way. 

So far I'm feeling pretty confident about finishing my Twelve by 2012. To get the ball rolling on completing my second item, I emailed the contact person at Habitat for Humanity and I'm looking forward to planning a possible trip for LH and I to San Francisco. Cleaning up my home office wasn't even on my official list but it really feels great to finally check this task off my day to day to do list. I guess all I needed was an ear ache.

Check out My Own Kind of Beautiful's Twelve by 2012!

Enjoy the day!
(Caffeine-free for 2 whole days!)


ADSchill said...

Great job! I love when something gets organized or completed that has needed it for a long time. It's so satisfying.
Keep up the good work!

Missy said...

Thank you - me too!

Anonymous said...

I love going to movies by myself.
BUT...only action ones.
And only in the middle of the day.
So I guess that's cheating - because the odds of "looking weird" (or feeling lonely) are a lot less. Still, a step in the right direction?

Heather said...

Awesome! Good for you in getting everything organized! I really need to get on that too! Thanks for the motivation.

Missy said...

Pearls - YES! I would say that is definitely a step in the right direction.

I suppose that is why we should try new things - to see what works and what doesn't. Maybe if I had chosen a action movie, I wouldn't have felt as restless. Hmmm...something to think about.

H - Thanks! I guess we all tend to get more done when we least expect it to. The trick is to identify these moments and make every minute count! :) How are things going for you?