Thursday, September 23, 2010

The New Maggie Collection by benefit

Meet the New Maggie Collection by benefit

I recently bought this fun compact from benefit. Of course, like most girlie girls, I was first drawn to the sweet and colorful cover. This particular palette is called "Sunday Funday." I had never used a product from benefit before so I thought I'd take this little set home to try out and I LOVE it!

Apparently, when I wasn't looking cosmetic companies decided to get really creative with their packaging. You can't tell in this photo but the large mirror in the back can be moved so that it can stand on its own AND just at the right angle. (I get excited over the littlest things, I know!) The colors are great with just the right sheen and who can resist the clever names: "Light Champagne", "Shimmering Bronze" and "Pretty in Plumb."

The compact also includes a pretty rose colored cheek stain, a bronzer with a brush, an eye liner and even a lip gloss, also rose colored. And last but not least, it came with a a cool insert that has several lessons in the many ways to use the different colors (perfect for me since I am still a novice when it comes to in applying make-up properly)

The best part is, since everything you need is in one travel friendly compact, it's easy to throw it in your bag - rendering make-up bags completely unnecessary. Pretty smart and Fun. Economical too, with a price tag of $38.00. (About $4.75 per item)

P.S. The Cheese Ball I made for the par-tay last night was a hit! And to think, it took me less than 15 minutes to put it together! Here is the recipe. Enjoy!


wsamrazik said...

1. Just wondering if they use natural ingredients?
2. Waiting for the picture of the Cheese Ball ;=)

Missy said...

Hi J! I tried to research it on their website but couldn't get a real answer.

Although, when I was selling cosmetics for awhile, I went to this conference in San Diego. There was this one "expert panelist" that discussed this topic.

She said that many companies claim to only use natural ingredients, but that is not usually the case. She claimed that if they truly used only natural ingredients, the product wouldn't last as long. (like food)

Oh and sadly, I did not take a photo of the cheese ball. However, I may be making it again soon. When I do, I will be sure to take a picture this time, I promise.

Have a great day!

wsamrazik said...

Thanks for your effort Malissa... However, I have to disagree with the "expert" - the RAW FOOD does not last long, that's true, but we have ways of preserving it, don't we? It can still be natural without being raw... What do you think?

Missy said...

You could totally be right. Although I probably wouldn't be the best person to measure it by. I tend to keep makeup far longer than your supposed it. Can natural products last longer than a year? (Bad habit, I know) :)