Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Take Comfort in Rituals

I take comfort in the little things.
The rituals I have created for myself over the years. And the ones I grew up with. It's easy for me to get lost in a book. or sit by the window and watch the cars go by. I can work on a puzzle for hours and I look forward to my trip to Starbucks every morning.

The other day I found myself thinking about the memories I had growing up with a Mom who is a creative mind, first and foremost. She spent hours with us kids making clothes, costumes for Halloween, dolls, and fabric covered photo albums (remember those in the 80's?) I can remember sitting on the floor of the living room cutting out patterns for her, happy as can be.

My favorite ritual every year was right after Thanksgiving when Mom would pull out all of the Christmas decorations and us kids would get to decorate the house. Our way. I can remember unpacking each item carefully, putting the tissue paper back in the box and walking around the house to find the perfect spot. I enjoyed the process. Took comfort in it. It was our family tradition. A ritual that we all looked forward to. I still do. To this day in my own home.

I enjoy wrapping a gift to the best of my ability. I look forward to quiet moments at a local thrift store and the sound of the birds that can be heard from our kitchen when the windows are open. I try to make it a conscious effort to take inventory of the blessing in my life. (most of the time) It's a necessity. A lifesaver. And a motivator. When life is sometimes hard. It's important to stop once in awhile and focus on right now. To relish in the little things.

The things that we sometimes miss when we are running from here to there. The easy conversations. The books we can get lost in. Really good music. The smell of fresh baked banana bread. (my favorite) Hugs and kisses. Big smiles and laughter. When the day is done. The dishes are put away and the television is turned off. Take comfort in rituals.


Sarah Markley said...

Beautiful! i love the new look on your blog malissa. and i love the idea of this post.

well done! =)

Missy said...

Thanks so much, Sarah!