Monday, July 19, 2010

Wo(Man) In the Mirror

Like most people, I have many faults and I am pretty aware of most of them. One of my favorite songs by Michael Jackson is "Man in the Mirror." (I know, corny!) Mainly because I really truly believe that if we were more concerned about our own faults than others and we made a genuine effort to use that knowledge to improve ourselves, we'd probably all be living in a much better world.

Instead, we project on to others. We complain. We refuse to look at the big picture and we judge. We act as if we are better than. We vent and we insist that we are right. Why is that? Why are we so dead set on being the one who is right? Why are we so quick to judge another persons actions or reaction, even when we don't know the full story? I am just as guilty to the above charges. Guilty as charged. As I said before, I am not perfect and I do have many faults.

For instance, I can be very selfish...and self-centered. When I know people are coming over I can easily spend up to 8 hours cleaning and setting up. I don't deal with surprises or last minute obligations or plans very well. Although I am a "people person" for the most part, I still require "down time" or "quiet time" mainly to recharge. If I am upset or hurt, I don't deal with the situation in a healthy way. My M.O. is to "shut down and be quiet" until I can get over it. Over time, if it continues, I create a top-secret wall that quietly serves as my protection for future incidents.

If someone chooses to get confrontational with me, I again shut down and pretty much that's all she wrote. I may be there physically but spiritually I have checked out. You might as well be talking to a wall. I won't argue. I don't fight back. I don't even blink an eye. I just stand there awe struck wishing I could disappear or be anywhere but right there.

But I also care way too much. About everyone and everything in my life. I work really hard and I stress out far too much. I over-think things and I tend to plan my life instead of just living it. Deep down, I care what people think about me and as a result, my opinion of my self is not always good. Overly Sensitive. Slightly crazy. Perfectionist. Moody. Flawed. That's me when I'm feeling down. When the sky is blue and birds are chirping and life is good, I feel really good about who I am today.

Sometimes I think we all need to remember that we're all skin and bones. We all deserve to be treated like human beings. To cherish each other. Truly. To celebrate our talents and encourage each others dreams and forget about the rest. We will always disappoint each other. That's a given. A fact. Because in this great big world, we only have each other. We need to love one another. Take care of each other. Inspire each other. Respect each other. Our whole selves. Wholeheartedly. Because when you really think about it, we're all on the same playing field. We all have problems and painful experiences that shape who we are and how we react to things. We all yearn for unconditional love. For fleeting moments of sheer joy and laughter.

It's easy to forget - I know. But maybe if we put it at the top of our list instead of at the bottom? It's definitely going to the top of mine!

1 comment:

marta said...

wow, this is such an honest post. such a wonderful reminder to me. thank you. i appreciate your heartfelt comment and your thoughtfulness today. xo.