Monday, June 28, 2010

Looking Up

Up. Never down. Always blue. At least in my mind. The sun is out. The wind whips past my face. I'm knee deep in earth. The soil at my very finger tips, finding it's way under my fingernails - no matter how careful I am. I'm pulling weeds. The sky is my motive - to stay outdoors. It is a beautiful day. An exceptionally beautiful day. It's amazing how alive I feel. Right. Now. Here. In this moment in my back yard. I don't even need my IPod. There are many birds in our yard fluttering about. They surround me with peaceful songs.

It's relaxing. Comforting. I wonder to myself why don't do this more often? Who would have thought that I'd actually enjoy this? Certainly not me. I make a mental note to try and remember this. I stand up to give my back a break and turn around to see my cats, Sunny and Quincy perched in the kitchen window - quietly watching my every move. I look around. Really take it all in and think to myself - this is my place of peace. My safe zone. Our home. The spot we return to every day after a long day of work. Our refuge. Together.

Life happens and we naturally look away. We look past the pain, the hurt and sometimes anger. We may even at times look down and forget to look around. To really look up and take notice. The sky, the flowers, the fluttering birds with their joyful songs. The simple act of pulling weeds. Getting back to basics. Right here and right now. I am happy. I look up at the beautiful blue sky today and thank God for this day. This hour of reflection. This life.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Very sweet and so true. Trying to keep looking up. :)