Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In Due Time

It has been nearly two and a 1/2 weeks since I made the first call to my Doctor's office to request that all of my records be sent to Dr. Jacobson. I can't even tell you how many phone calls I've made over the past few weeks. My last call was last Friday and the receptionist assured me that it would be faxed within minutes. At the request of my husband I didn't call yesterday - I even waited until 10am this morning and still nothing had been faxed.

I am typically a very patient person but these types of situations really drive me crazy. Probably beause I have no control over them and I feel helpless. No amount of planning or organization can help me. Literally, I am at the mercy of someone else's busy schedule. Someone else's inability to organize and most importantly, to prioritize.

Leo says to be nice, that it will only make matter's worse if I get angry or give them attitude but this morning when I made the call and found out that nothing had been done, I wanted to just break down and say, "My clock is not waiting for these documents - every day, maybe even every hour could make a world of difference in whether or not this can happen for me, for us. In my head I think that laying it all out on the table would make a world of a difference but then again, maybe it wouldn't.

I know full well that they have other patients but shouldn't my situation at the very least move up a bit especially when lesser time pressing to do's are sitting above mine? It's hard sometimes not to feel like I am trying to do everything I can to beat the ever looming, ever increasing in size clock. (in my case, a PCOS clock)

Coffee or an ice-cold coca cola right about now would make me feel better but I can't do that anymore. No more using caffeine to keep me going. So! I have to just take time to breathe in and out, in and out, and in and out some more. Listen to good music and tell myself, "in due time." Maybe even pray for patience because I am definitely running low.

I think I'll wait two hours before calling again. That's plenty of time to fax over documents, right? At least in my world.


wsamrazik said...

... next time I would ask to talk to a manager.... you gave them more than enough time to do their job....

Melissa B. said...

Go to the office in person. Tell them you'll wait while they make a copy of your records & then you can sign for them, per California law.

Missy said...

Thanks, Ladies! As of yesterday at 2:30pm all of my records and test results have been received at Dr. Jacobson's office. Yay!