Monday, October 31, 2011

October 17, 2011: Jacob's Birth Story

My water broke at 5:20 a.m.

Leo was already awake and downstairs getting ready for work. At first I found myself second-guessing myself, worrying that it was just a false alarm but it wasn't long before I started to feel menstrual like cramping so I went downstairs to tell Leo that it was time. He immediately jumped into action, telling me not to worry, that he would grab my things and put them in the car while I took a quick shower.

I called my Mom on the way to the hospital - she sounded a little startled and unsure about what she should do - drive or fly from Utah? But a few hours later she called to tell me that she was boarding a plane to California. I was SO happy to hear her say that. I really wanted her to be there for me and for Jacob.
By the time we arrived to the hospital, my contractions were already fifteen minutes apart and we were immediately taken to a temporary room where a wonderful nurse by the name of Denise came to my rescue. She was so kind and encouraging - she kept reminding me that this is what I had been waiting for over and over, which helped me get through the pain. After a quick examination, we were told that my cervix was only at a one but since my water had broke, they would admit me. (yay!)

Soon after that, we took a thirty minute walk, stopping every few minutes so that I could breath through a contraction. A few minutes after getting back into bed, I was checked again and was told that I had already progressed to a four. Then three hours later, I had progressed to a six. Leo was amazing - my rock for sure - he stayed by my side the whole time encouraging me to breath through the contractions and offering his hand when I needed it. At this point, I opted for an epidural, which made the rest of my laboring feel like a breeze.

By 5pm, I was told that I was at a ten and ready to push - we just needed to wait for my doctor to arrive. Most of Leo's family and my family had arrived by this point and they all came in to say a quick hello before heading to the waiting room. A few minutes after 5pm, my Mom arrived - just in time.

I started pushing at 6:20pm and at 6:55 pm, Jacob Mario Hernandez made his entrance into the world. I was shocked to say the least, I just couldn't believe that he was here. For some reason, I thought it would take much longer than it did but as soon as I heard his cry, I burst into tears. Mom, of course, cried too. The doctor had Leo cut the umbillical cord and then Jacob was placed on my chest for a few magical minutes; his eyes were wide open and I was able to get him to settle down a bit before they took him to get him cleaned up, weighed and measured.

Soon after that, he was back on my chest, warm and happy. We both were. And my heart (finally) felt whole again. Nine years of wishing, praying, crying, dreaming and hoping had paid off and our miracle baby boy was here in my arms. After about an hour, family started to come in to the room to meet and hold Jacob, one by one. My sisters both cried as soon as they walked in the door, which brought back tears of joy for me too. It just felt like such a magical moment.

At one point, Leo was holding Jacob and I immediately thought about the two babies we had lost on this journey. I had always wondered what they would have looked like and more than anything, I had always felt like I cheated Leo out of the chance to be a father. I would often daydream about him holding them both, one in each arm - a proud Dad with his two kids but now I wasn't dreaming anymore. The image of Leo holding Jacob completely filled my heart up with pure joy and the heartache and pain susbsided.

I'm also comforted knowing that Jacob is being protected by his two older siblings who are up in heaven and one fine day, I will get to meet them, hug them and tell them just how much I love them. For now though, Jacob is my number one priority. Even as I sit here typing away, Jacob is sleeping on my lap - he looks so peaceful and content and I can't help but think how terribly fitting because that is exactly how I feel at this moment.

At Peace and Content.

P.S. Throughout the day we received countless text messages from family, co-workers and friends. It was such an amazing outpour of love that we both truly appreciated. Thank you so much for your love and support. We love each and every one of you!

This song probably best describes the road that led up to this moment.


Wifey said...

Yeah for a fantastic delivery. I am so happy for you. Glad to hear your body progressed naturally, that is fantastic! Aren't epidurals amazing?!? I felt a lot more in control when most of the pain was taken away. I cried so hard reading this, I am so very happy for you and your little bundle of miracles! CONGRATS!!

Missy said...

Thank you so much for your enouragement, support and well wishes - we couldn't feel more blessed.

MrsP said...

I know I'm terribly late, but I just read this. It has me in tears and I am so happy for you and your husband. Jacob is adorable!