Friday, September 17, 2010

A Conversation

Sometimes it just takes a conversation with another invested and caring soul to get you motivated. Confession: I haven't blogged in months. Why? I suppose I let life lead the way instead of the other way around. Busy at work. Busy on the weekends. I didn't allow myself time to stop, really settle in and write. But more so than that, I was avoiding it.

In my last post I wrote all about the healthy changes I was making in my life; Cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and my ever growing refrigerator. but weeks later, all it took was one bad choice, led by more bad choices and I am back where I started. Back on coffee. Back to eating out more than I should and back to feeling horrible, inside and out.

I was also writing about going to see a specialist at Loma Linda. It wasn't long before the frustration set in. Frustration from the too many to count phone calls to my current doctor and my new doctor to ensure that copies of my records had been sent over. More tests. Followed by more phone calls. So - I avoided my little corner in this great big world of blogging. Like the plague, I pretended like it didn't matter. But it did.

We all have situations that we allow to eat at us - quite literally. Instead of dealing with them head-on, we ignore them and we eat whatever our little heart desires. Sometimes reward ourselves for simply moving forward, not in a healthy manner but in a physical manner. "I went to work today, despite everything I am dealing with." But really, where does that get you? Are you really moving forward?

Today I spent one hour in a Starbucks with a blogger that I follow, Sarah Markley. If you ever have a chance to read her blog, I highly recommend it. I walked away from our meeting feeling inspired and motivated to keep going. To write it all down and to challenge myself. One of her suggestions was to write at least 300 words a day, every day. That may not sound like a great deal of words but every single day? That is definitely a challenge but I think that is just what I need. A definite number. A daily goal. To keep me grounded and living in the moment. To get back on track with regards to living healthier. And to help me stay on top of my game with regards to dealing with this new doctor.

A conversation, a nudge - that's all it took.
Thank you, Sarah!


Julie said...

Love your honesty Malissa. If I don't write at least a little bit each day I can literally feel my stress rising. Good to see you back here. :)

wsamrazik said...

What gets me through many "cloudy" days is taking one step at the time...So I am keeping my fingers crossed for your one-step-at-the-time-success...

Missy said...

Thanks, Julie. You are so right. I'm glad to be back too.

J - Thanks for the great advice. I am definitely going to take things on step/day at a time.