Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Girl Can Dream

I blog about needing more time a lot. Have you noticed? This is one hurdle I still, at the age of 37, haven't figured out. Sometimes it seems as though I am on a teeter totter. Just when I think I have everything finally figured out I take a step back and realize that I am actually neglecting several areas of my life. And if I let it, I feel like a failure.

I try to balance my life with Leo, family, friends, work, volunteering and my obligations and responsibilities at home. These days it just seems like an impossible task. Most of it is that I work long hours, sometimes out of necessity but also because for the first time since my very first job at the age of 15, I LOVE what I do. I finally feel as though I found my niche. With so many other jobs I felt out of my element and out of place. So now that I'm finally here, it's difficult for me to sometimes reign myself in.

The other part is that I have a hard time saying No. I am pretty sure you already know that about me. If I could, I would continue saying yes to everything that comes my way but when I am really honest with myself, that just isn't possible. And if it is possible, the reality is that other areas of my life would suffer. And 9 out of 10 times, its time spent with Leo and my family.

So, I have to buckle down, think clearly and prioritize. And most importantly, learn how to say No more often. And the real hurdle for me? - saying no without feeling guilty. I do know that this issue is not just mine. We all struggle with it on a daily basis. And please don't misunderstand, I am not complaining. I wouldn't change or trade my life for anything.

This post is really just my way of figuring out how to make it all work. To find a solution or a compromise. I do know one thing: for the most part, because I have such loving family and friends, they never make me feel guilty. I have family and friends who even after months of zero communication, when we do see each other or talk on the phone, it feels as if there was no time spent apart.

If it were a perfect world, I would spend UNLIMITED amounts of time with Leo, my family, my friends and work. Plus, I'd also still have time to volunteer, blog and scrapbook. Ok, I know - I need to move over to reality but a girl can still dream!


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I was about your age when I realized that there are so many "good" causes and "good" things to do. But it is impossible to say yes to every good thing. Like you said we must prioritize. God has a plan for you and lots of things he wants you to accomplish. But you can't accomplish anything if you try to do everything.
I am sure you realize that the first hurdle is learning to not feel guilty for saying no. You are sure a loving person and a pleaser, so of course you always want to say yes.
You are well on your way to balancing your life, because you have come to the realization that it needs to be balanced.
I love you so much and wish we could see each other more often, but life is so busy for everyone. But hopefully, at least a few times a year! I'm glad for FB and blogging so we can at least keep in touch. Love you, Aunt Margie

Missy said...

Hi Aunt Margie,

Thank you for the encouraging and supportive words. Sometimes I need to be reminded that it is in fact, okay to say no and also it makes me feel better to know that it not just me who is struggling with finding balance.

I suppose when you really think about it, it is a good problem to have because it means that my life is full. I love you too, Aunt Margie. Thanks for listening! xo