Monday, January 11, 2010

Life interrupted.

Is it just me or is it getting harder to "do it all"? I would like to think that I do a pretty good job overall but then there are moments when nothing seems to be getting done and several areas of my life are showing signs of neglect.

I have always loved the idea of "simplifying" and I do my best to keep this a goal of mine but even with my best intentions simplicity isn't always possible when most of what you do in life involves dealing with other people. Even something as simple as going to the grocery store can throw a person into a tailspin.

The crazy thing is, I don't even have kids. I can't even imagine how my list would get done if I had kids. I guess that's just it - some things inevitably don't get done. Maybe that is the answer. Like for the past few weeks I've been meaning to clean out the closets, make a trip to the salvation army, catch up on scrapbooking (at this point, I am years behind), have my car serviced and so on but you know how it is. Things happen. daily and almost without warning. Recently I've just resolved myself to the thinking that it will all get done. Maybe not today or tomorrow or even next week.

When the opportunity presents itself, I will undoubtedly seize the moment. Until then I will let life happen. bring it on. Enjoy what happens when you don't plan or strategize. No date scribbled on the calendar. Just a whim. A thought or an idea. I am going to allow myself to linger more. plan less. It will be hard - it's always hard for me but I must admit, it's definitely getting easier. much easier than you probably think.

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