Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Sustains Me

There are not many things that are steadfast in life. Things that keep you going. inspire you to do better. be better. live better. For me, first and foremost, is my faith and belief in God. Even when it feels like life is bearing down on me with all it's force, I think of the sacrifices he's made and the gifts he has given me. It's easy to forget though, to lose sight at times, I must admit.

There are other little things in my life that have helped solidify me. keep me sane. Like Reading. I LOVE reading. I could never fully explain the feeling I get when I am reading a good book. I've probably read 100's of books in my lifetime. By far, this for me is one my biggest stress reliever. Give me thirty minutes a day to read and I'm good. It doesn't matter what kind of day I've had.

The next thing is Music. On most days, music is my driving force especially I'm feeling tired and drained. It helps me forget the bad stuff and think of the good stuff. Music gets me moving. Thinking. I don't listen to the words much, for me it's all about the beat. I get lost in it. I have many favorites. far too many to list or count. There are songs that instantly bring back memories of my school days, of friendships and relationships. Songs that remind me of the loved ones I've lost and songs that are a part of my love story with Leo.

Writing is another one. I've always loved writing, even as a little girl. I can remember in grade school letting out a "woo-hoo" everytime the teacher gave us a writing assignment. Over the years it has helped me deal with problems I face in a positive way. Circumstances make more sense to me, once I write them down. Discussions are clarified. Problems are resolved and feelings are made sense of. When it's all written down, I inevitably feel better.

The last thing that is steadfast in my life is drinking Coffee. And not just any coffee. Starbucks coffee. I know. sounds crazy and insignifigant. I'd like to think of myself as someone who doesn't have vices. I've never done drugs, I've never even smoked a cigarette but this one thing - is most assuredly my one and only vice. I know exactly how much money I could potenitally save and also how many calories I could save myself but it's my thing. My one thing I do that isn't the best thing to do. (we can't all be perfect, right?)

These are the things that sustain me. fill me. Regardless of what life (God) throws my way. We all need things that are steadfast in our life. To keep us moving. creating and living life to it's fullest. When life gets hard. Unforgiving and stressful. These are the things that help me put one foot in front of the other. What things are steadfast in your life?

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