Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Big Day

Tomorrow is the Big Day.
Our Day for Answers. And Best Case Scenarios.

I kept myself busy today. My futal attempt to avoid the inevitable. (I know, I am very predictable) Most of it at work and then instead of going home, I went on the hunt for a Halloween costume for me to wear to my little Atom's first birthday - no such luck. Side Note: Costumes are anywhere from $29 to $89 - Yikes! Even a simple wig was $19. I may have to get creative and come up with something using items I already own. (Any ideas?!)

Next, I went to the bank and then I made a stop to grab a bite to eat. Even while I ate, I busied myself by cleaning out the black hole that is my favorite black handbag. After my quick bite, I headed to CVS where I spent the next hour and thirty minutes putting together a digital photo album of my trip to Arkansas. Then off I went to the grocery store to grab a few things for the coming week - eggs, bread, milk - nothing exciting. This is largely due to the fact that Homecoming Weekend is just a few weeks away so we will be consuming very little home cooked meals for awhile. (It's times like these when I wish we had a personal chef!)

Anyhow, back to my crazy-must-stay-busy tirade; by now it was getting dark outside and my energy level was beginning to wane so I resolved myself to heading home instead of making another attempt to find my too-cute-for-words costume. When I got home, I put the groceries away and watered the few plants that have managed to stay alive despite my forgetting to water them on a regular basis. Hung up some laundry, washed my face and then as I was brushing my teeth, I started to think about the thing I was trying so hard not to think about.

The looming doctor's visit is tomorrow morning - the one where we will finally be given our options. The road has been long and arduous. Stressful, painful and overwhelming at times. But the feelings that came next surprised me. Even though I was still nervous and anxious, my fears had been replaced by a sense of relief. Because after more than eight years, we will finally be out of the dark. We will get our much needed and long awaited answers - or at the very least, our best case scenario. The thought of this kind of news (for a change) makes me want to leap for joy.

Right now. In this moment. I am comforted by the knowledge that we are nearing the end of this very windy road. Encouraged by the possibilities. And if all goes well, satisfied with the outcome. Whatever that may be. Tomorrow is a big day and I am enjoying this very unexpected clarity and peace of mind. (Thank you, God!) And thank you, to all of you - for your unwavering love, encouragement and prayers. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

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