Friday, October 1, 2010

Think Pink

Image by Cafe Press (click to view this and other t-shirts for sale!)

Think Pink.
Hope. Courage. Love.

Next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month so I spent some time last night researching a few articles on this very important issue/cause. Did you know that a woman will die every thirteen minutes from Breast Cancer, in the U.S.? Pretty alarming. I was definitely stunned by this statistic and was immediately moved to act in some way, shape or form.

Then I stumbled on the Susan G. Komen website. I read her story - Susan Komen's story is nothing short of inspiring. A must-read and wake up call for those of us who are stressing out about the "little things" - laundry piling up, the car breaking down (even if it is for the second, third or fourth time) the errands missed and the dinners burnt to a crisp.

The Komen website also has this great way to raise money and awareness: The "Passionately Pink for the Cure" program. By PARTICIPATING either individually or through the creation of a team, you choose a day, a week or even a month of activities or events to raise money and awareness. The website even has a list of ideas to choose from: Perhaps a Pink Bake Sale? or a Pink Pajama Party? Maybe a Pink Scavenger Hunt? or a Pink Birthday Party? Perfect for those of you who will celebrate your birthday in October!

With these crazy economical times, its difficult to donate money but there are many other ways we can help to make a difference. The first is simple - Awareness and Prevention: Conduct regular self examinations because Doctors believe that early detection can save your life. The American Cancer Society recommends, "yearly mammograms starting at the age of forty and clinical breast exams every three years for women in their twenties and thirties."

We can also SHOP from specific companies who support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation by selling their popular products in a pretty shade of pink. Every day items you probably would have spent your money on anyway, such as yogurt, cereal or maybe wine for an upcoming dinner party. Or items you may have already been in the market for, such as a new pair of reading glasses or a BPA free water bottle to replace your old one. And then there are the "gotta have it" products and the "too cute to pass up" products like Essie's perfect shade of pink nail polish or a piece of pretty jewelry from the Hearts and Hands Collection.

This is just a small list of the "Go Pink" products:
I have many family members and friends who's lives have been greatly affected by cancer either directly or indirectly. Breast Cancer is just one facet. In October this cause will be the center of my wishes, hopes and prayers. Through this seemingly tiny blog post, I hope to share and maybe even inspire everyone I know to Think Pink.

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