Friday, January 7, 2011

Twelve by 2012

With the New Year here, I've been thinking a lot about what I'm learning and what I want this year to hold, and not just for me but for my marriage, for my family and for my friends. If I could wave a magic wand to instantly make everyone's life perfect in every way, I would but that is just not possible.

We all have hurdles we have to jump, disasters to clean-up after, mistakes to fix and painful experiences to overcome but even in the midst of our pain and sadness, there is always that glimmer of hope - shining in the background, just waiting to come to the forefront - when we are ready.

Until then, there are friends to talk to, to cut loose with and to feel comforted by. There are beautiful sunsets and sunrises to watch in awe, movies to produce laughter, books to promote growth and family members to love, support and guide us every step of the way. And most importantly, there is God's unwavering love and commitment to us - individually and uniquely - for us. And last but certainly not least - there's hope. Hope is something we all need to learn to grasp tightly to. Hope is necessary when you are in the middle of a crisis because it's what allows us to continue on, move forward and step out of the darkness that sometimes floods our thoughts, our outlook, our world.

In many ways, the struggles and the triumphs we face - these are the moments that bind us together. They are like little tests of our love for each other. They teach us all about pain and suffering but also they teach us valuable lessons. Lessons that we probably wouldn't learn otherwise. Like humility, grace, patience and most importantly, the know-how to help and support others, even strangers, through their own tragedy, pain and grief. And they help us to really truly feel joy when the opportunity presents itself. 

It's easy to feel overwhelmed, lost and even broken but I'm learning that God puts specific people in your life for a reason. And once you allow the love and encouragement of those people in, it is most definitely possible to break through all of the negative feelings and find true peace of mind. Through others. That's the key - at least for me. Through all of you - my husband, my family and friends. You are the reason I am able to love, laugh, sing, dance, explore and live life. You are my god-send, my peace of mind and my biggest source of inspiration.

With all of this said, I wanted to inspire myself and hopefully some of you to make this year the best ever! So...I have an idea:

Let's invest some time to really figure out what we want out of life, determine what we want and need out of our relationships. Figure out how we can make changes in ourselves in order to be better wives, daughters, sisters, aunts and friends. And while we are at it, identify the bad habits we've been kicking around for years and break them for good. Best of all, let's make it our mission to try new things, explore new places, taste new foods, capture more moments and encourage everyone around us to join in on all of the fun we are bound to have.

I am going to use the next couple of days to come up with a list of things 12 things that I want to accomplish by 2012 and they will include experiences, tastes, places, books, movies and anything else I can think of. I'm going to keep them very specific and I'll try to accomplish one per month. Don't be afraid to be inventive and creative - really think outside the box. Here are a few cool sites and tools to help us get started!

How to make a Dream Board
How to Get Inspired
Find out What You Want To Do With Your Life

If you do decide to join me, I'd love to see and hear all about your Twelve by 2012! Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and especially your progress with me/us!

I'll be sure to post my official list on Monday!
Have a great day!

Enjoy the Day!

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