Friday, January 14, 2011

Resolved: Firm in Purpose or Intent; Determined

I have to admit. Up until just a few minutes ago, I thought the word resolved had a completely different meaning. Per, the word means: Firm in purpose or intent; determined. I thought it essentially meant giving up. Boy, was I wrong but I'm glad I discovered its true meaning because wow - what a great word! It perfectly fits my current state of mind. I love it when things like this happen - they make you feel as though you are on the right path and your sights are set on the all the right things.

For the past week and a half, I've really made an effort to be more spontaneous, which if you know me, you know it goes against everything I'm about. In all honesty, it feels foreign, uncomfortable and well, unnerving at times but I think it's exactly what I need to come to grips with the idea that I can't and shouldn't control every aspect of my life.

I've also been busy making better choices in my diet, drinking more water and taking a multi-vitamin and fish oil tablet every morning. It's funny because none of these things are on my Twelve by 2012 so why am I finally making changes that I've been trying to make for what seems like forever? The only answer that makes any sense to me is that I'm (finally) resolved to do what's right for me. (enter cheesy Toyota commercial-like jump in the air)

The best news is that within just a few days of making these seemingly small changes, I've really noticed some definite changes. I feel SO much better; my energy level is back where it should be and even my hair seems healthier...(ok, that last one may just be wishful thinking) My state of mind has been consistently positive - probably because I don't feel helpless or frustrated anymore. (BIG step) And I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic.

I'm excited about two new books that I ordered online - the first one is called The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Program for Getting Pregnant & Having a Baby by Randine Lewis and Freedom from PCOS by Katie Humphrey - I already read a couple chapters of Katie's book last night - it's so great to finally read a book written by someone who actually has PCOS - in it, she shares what she did to cure herself of the symptoms caused by PCOS without medication or birth control pills - I predict I'll finish reading it by the end of the weekend.  

LH and I will hopefully begin training next week for our very first 5k, The Coaster Run through Knott's Berry Farm in March. (Any takers?) We actually do a 5k every year in April to raise money for Autism but we've always walked it. At this stage in the game, I'd probably last just a few blocks before cramping up and gasping for air so I've definitely got my work cut out for me. We also plan to go shopping for running shoes this weekend because you've got to have the proper running gear, right?

So...What are you up to?
(I'd love to hear all about it!)

Enjoy the day!


Melissa K Bauer said...

Can you take breaks to go on the roller coasters? :oD

Missy said...

Good Question: That would be fun and it would be the perfect opportunity for me to catch my breath! - Lol!

Anonymous said...

Please write about "The Infertility Cure"! I would love to hear about it - as I just read AMAZING reviews and will definitely buy it if you like it! :)

Missy said...

I will definitely write about it, I'm sure but I have a better idea - once I'm done with it, I'll mail my copy to you. :)

Have a great weekend!

ADSchill said...

Good for you! I am glad you are all about doing what's best for you right now. I think that is what many of us are doing right now.
Good luck with the running. It's probably my least favorite thing in the world.

Missy said...

Thank you SO much! I'm really making an effort to keep the momentum going and you are right, we are all doing our best to make positive changes in our lives - the real test will be to make them daily habits.

P.S. I am so not a huge fan of running either. :)

Julie said...

Good for you Malissa!! I still don't really like running, but I love how I feel afterward and I love that it is the most efficient way to lose weight and keep it off. And yes, shoes are SO important. have fun with your new spontaneity ;).

Missy said...

Thanks, Julie - I agree, there is nothing better than the feeling you get after a great work-out. I'm glad you agree with the shoes being an important "prop" - Hopefully I still feel that way AFTER I fork over the money. Lol!