Sunday, January 9, 2011

Won't you join me?

I'm ready. Ready for new beginnings.

I'm giddy with anticipation. Like a child, I'm unable to think of anything else. I've opened myself up to the newness of 2011 and all of the possibilities it holds for me and my marriage...and for you.

I'm determined to keep my sights on looking ahead instead of looking back. And looking forward to the new experiences I am committing myself (publicly) to try - the new foods I will savor (or maybe not), the places I will see for the first time and fall in love with (as I usually do!) and the new people I will inevitably meet and get to know. (What fun!) With this new awakening, I am armed with a true sense of confidence that fills my soul right up to the brim. And with my quirky and not-always-reliable camera in my hip pocket, I will capture every moment.

With all of you by my side, I will accomplish everything on my list: Twelve by 2012 and I will document every step. No more doubting myself or my abilities - and no more excuses. I am just like you. I'm hopeful, yet insecure. Forward-thinking, yet always afraid to make the first step. I pray for things to happen but also prepare myself for them not to. Starting now, I will continue to pray but I am also determined to finally take the driver's seat in my own life, instead of feeling like a polite passenger in someone else's vehicle.

I have the power to make good things happen. And so do you. Won't you join me?  

Enjoy the day!


ADSchill said...

Good post! I love your enthusiasm! This is how I am trying to look upon 2011. I am dertermined for it to be a good year for us.

Let me think on 12 by 2012 and see if I can come up with some things. I am not ready to fully committ yet because of all the other things I am trying to accomplish this year, but it's an amazing idea. I just may figure it out!

Can't wait to see your list!!!

Missy said...

Thanks! I'm so excited! Today I actually went to the movies, on a whim, by myself - for the first time ever. Not a huge feat but it was definitely a first! Lol! I hope you will join me and I'm going to participate in your pay it forward project too. Sounds like too much fun to pass up!

Julie said...

I'm so afraid to be enthusiastic! Like I have to keep it under wraps or something. But I am trying to be hopeful and optimistic :). Thanks for the challenge! :)

Missy said...

Hi Julie - I hear you. You have been through a very trying year. You have every right to be cautious and take one day at a time. Always praying and rooting for you!

ADSchill said...

Missy - that is too weird. I went to see Tangled by myself today. Whoa. I go on Sunday's sometimes when I can't find someone who wants to see the same movie as me.

Can you e-mail me so I can get some info for Pay It Forward?

Missy said...

Whoa! that is weird - what a coincidence. :)

mldher said...

Oh wow!! I want to commit to this but sometimes I hold myself back. I am going to try and take it one day at a time . You inspire me Malissa, thank you

Missy said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! and you are SO welcome!

I think what's made the difference for me, so far, is documenting my goals publicly and keeping them fun. I'd LOVE to hear about your progress.

Enjoy the day!